It's tiring to keep looking and asking around for what you need, isn't it? Why not get a personalized information directory for all questions related to where and how things can be found and done in and around town – a tailor-made service catered to those looking for something they just can’t seem to find. Brought to you by experts who have been in Dubai ever since it was put on the map (not literally!) - as simple as it is useful, just Ask Diva and we'll do the rest. One less thing to stress over and something you can tick off your to do list; here's one daily fix worth getting hooked on!
You can either post your query below, or alternatively email
You can either post your query below, or alternatively email
Sample queries:
Where can I dry clean my carpets?
I need to find a good, reliable carpenter
Where can i get items engraved?
Can i get groceries devliered to my doorstep?
Where's the best place to get my car windows tinted?